Non-Mar Wedge Clamp

• PCL8025
• Ideal for modellers crafters and jewellers
• Holds jewellery, glass, plastics, metals etc.
• For painting, polishing, buffing, drilling, gluing etc


About: Non-Mar Wedge Clamp

Modelcraft Non-Mar Wedge Clamp

This non-mar Wedge clamp is used by modellers crafters and jewellers worldwide. It holds jewellery, glass, plastics, metals etc. firmly for painting polishing, buffing, drilling, gluing etc. As the wedge is driven in the opposite end to the work, the leather lined jaws tighten to grip without marking or moving the item.

Other helpful tools:

PTW1131 Pick & Place Tool – Small

PTW1093 Fine Serrated Locking Tweezers

PDR1126 Archimedean Drill Stock w/ Spring

PFL6010 Sanding Block 10mm


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